It was one of the first nike cortez ACG shoes that I got. I was with a friend at a store on 17th street. He was like, Why are you getting that? It s crazy? It s easy to see Gordon s love affair with American outdoor gear as the main inspiration behind his NIKEiD ACG x Pendleton Mowabb Pack. Both pairs from the pack are highlighted by the distinct, limited Pendleton patterns created especially for Nike. If you take a closer look at the Pendleton pattern, you will find that the word NIKE is utilized as a part of the pattern, which is cool since that s the first time that has ever been done.
If you re feeling the Nike Zoom Fly SP Shanghai, you ll be able to pick up a pair on November 9th for the retail price of $150. Let us know if you nike id re planning on picking up a pair.Small-footers get a sweet-looking KD 10 dubbed the Nike KD 10 GS University Red. This new colorway of Durant s signature model comes dressed in a Black, University Red, Crimson and Metallic Gold color scheme. The base of the shoe comes in Black, while nike cortez's the University Red takes care of the overlays and Crimson is used for the bold accents. Add in the Metallic Gold branding and you ve got yourself a colorway that I m pretty sure many wish also came in adult sizes.
Retailing for a price tag of $200, look for this Nike SF-AF1 High Rattan at select Nike stores and online today. Click and bookmark our Air Jordan 12 Dark Grey hub page now for the shoe s latest release info and up-to-the-minute updates and images. Always keep it locked to KicksOnFire for the latest in the nike cortez sneaker news and release dates.
A white midsole and matching obsidian outsole completes the design altogether.Retailing for a price tag of $100, look for this Nike SB Dunk High Pro Dream Team at select Nike stores and online today. Click and bookmark our Air Jordan 12 Dark Grey hub page now for the shoe s latest release info and up-to-the-minute updates and images. Always keep it locked to KicksOnFire for the latest in sneaker news and release dates.
Eric Koston gave us a first good look at the Nike SB Dunk Low Pigeon Black and the sneaker is previewed in another full look before its release. As part of Nike Skateboarding s celebration of 15 years of the SB Dunk this year, Jeff Staple s classic design from 2005 will be back in an all-black version. Sienna accents on the outsole and an embroidered Pigeon logo seen across the heel completes the look altogether.Look for the Nike SB Dunk Low Pigeon Black at select Nike stores and online on November 11th. Click and bookmark our Air Jordan 12 Dark Grey hub page now for the shoe s latest release info and up-to-the-minute nike shoes women updates and images.
The Nike Air VaporMax is back with a new colorway to start November and it s in this dark mushroom/crimson theme for men and women. Featuring a combination of black and dark mushroom across most of the Flyknit upper, the shoe is also detailed with a touch of crimson located on the flywire cables, branding on the tongue, insoles and heel. A speckled and tinted VaporMax sole finally completes the design altogether.Look for this Nike Air VaporMax Dark Mushroom (Touch Of Crimson) at select Nike stores and
online on today for a retail price tag of $190.